Flawless start-up & operational excellence – the gold standard in flange management
Our industry leading bolt load calculator and flange management software, trusted by operators and contractors globally.
Calculate is our industry leading bolt load calculator and flange management software. It provides a single source of truth, seamlessly linking industry best practice engineering directly to project workflow capability
As an independent provider, we are uniquely placed to offer asset owners, operators, and contractors our flange management bolt load calculator and workflow database – the industry leading solution for bolted joint assurance.

Independently verififed
“I confirm the completion of my independent assessment of asset55’s flange analysis methodology. This was undertaken by checking the Flange Methodology document Rev00 supplied by the company dated 9th November 2018. I can confirm that the methodology is consistent with the methods used in ASME B16.5, B16.47, ASME VIII Div 1 2017, WRC Bulletin 538, and using gasket data in accordance with ASME B16.20 and 16.21.”
Professor David Nash
Director, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Strathclyde
Key features
Learn more about the key features of our Calculate software and what makes it the industry leading bolt load calculator and flange management software.

Bolt load calculations derived from legacy systems, spreadsheets, or even slide‐rules, with no assurance of their provenance or execution context has led to outdated and often inaccurate tightening practices This can cause safety and cost issues in the form of both hydrocarbon leakage and unnecessary damage to flange components.
Our bolt load calculation engine uses a proprietary calculation methodology. In addition, the asset55 Calculator engine is embedded with the calculation methodologies of numerous operators. This allows work to be carried out by service providers on their assets to their own standards.
Extensive libraries essential for bolt load calculations – Calculate features the industry’s most extensive libraries of flange, gaskets, fasteners, materials, and lubricants. Using Calculate for critical calculations ensures no second‐guessing is required.
A wide range of tools based on the latest manufacturer data. As a wholly independent provider, we provide an objective view of tooling requirements. Users can select from a huge range of hand and hydraulic tools based upon the tool manufacturer’s latest published data. It also includes guidance on the capability of each tool – allowing both operators and contractors to optimise their tool inventory.
asset55 Calculator’s joint integrity review provides a unique and powerful tool for quickly assessing the impact of any given bolt load upon the flange components. Its simple visual representation allows the user to quickly view the relevant stress levels on the gasket, flange, and bolt. The joint integrity review isn’t just limited to the assembly of the joint – it also provides a full integrity picture during operation and under test conditions.
Our bolt load calculator puts the power of very specialised integrity engineering expertise in the hands of the user. This allows them to make swift, safe, and traceable decisions in the field, without the necessity of raising an engineering query – reducing both project cost and delay.
Calculate’s joint manager has the ability to bulk upload and cleanse data for hundreds of thousands of joints from 3D models or legacy systems. Primary joint data can be populated via an interface file with the 3D model, which creates efficient data transfer and enables the potential for feeding back as built information to the model for use in commissioning and operational phases.
Once sorted into the required project structure, users can quickly search across systems, sub-systems, and lines down to individual joints. This allows the user to revise detailed joint information, recalculate bolt loads, review technical drawings, view a joint’s history, or create work packs.
Calculate’s work pack manager provides simple creation of a wide range of work and test packs. The user has the ability to update the joint status across a range of milestones, specific to the pack type, which is instantly viewable to all users, even if the joint resides in multiple packs. The system captures all activity and changes, allowing creation of a full joint history, including any relevant technical drawings, documentation, and reports.
We have developed an innovative new feature that will enable users of Calculate to select from predefined piping material specifications upon creation of a new joint which will limit the permitted selections for the calculation by the constraints listed with each piping material specifications.
This feature offers vastly reduced timings to complete calculations without any sacrifice to calculation accuracy.
Still using torque tables, bolt load tables, or spreadsheets?
Discover why asset55 Calculate is the modern day replacement for traditional methods of flange management.

Knowledge base
help, how-tos & FAQs
Our team of skilled engineers and software developers are on-hand to offer help, advice, and support to our valued customers..
Our knowledge base is your go-to resource for common, non-urgent queries. With its predictive search and intuitive categorisation of articles, the knowledge base enables you to find answers quickly and easily, meaning less time requesting support and more time making use of our industry leading software.
The knowledge base can be easily reached from within asset55 software.
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